CREDIT FONCIER LOAN Payment Calculator
Option 1 - determine Repayment using Term:
Start Date (mm/yy) /
Amount of loan
Interest Rate
Loan Term (in months) Calculate Repayment




Option 2 - determine Term using Repayment:
Start Date (mm/yy) /
Amount of loan
Interest Rate
Monthly Repayment Calculate Term


This Loan Calculator provides an estimate only and is provided to assist Catholic schools and other Catholic entities with forecasting loan interest and principal repayment components for budgeting purposes. For calculating repayment components on existing loans, the current interest rates that apply to those loans can be obtained within CDF Online. To calculate interest and principal repayment components on any new or proposed loans, contact our office on 9427 0333 to obtain an indicative interest rate which can then be entered into the Loan Calculator.
This Loan Calculator is provided for illustrative purposes only and is based on the accuracy of information provided.
This does not constitute a loan approval or a quote. To apply for a CDF loan, you must contact the CDF offices on 9427 0333 and arrange to discuss requirements with our Relationship Manager. All applications for CDF Loans, which are available only to church entities, are subject to normal credit approval criteria.
CDF does not store the information you provided to generate this document.